We’re taking some big steps to make sure our carbon footprint is as low as possible now and in the future.
And we understand this isn’t an easy task for someone who organises international adventures, and we don’t claim to have all the answers either!
But this is what we’ve done so far.
Read on.
- Solar Panels are Converting
In Summer 2022 we installed sizeable solar panels on the roof of our offices in Derby. And since then, they’ve given us considerable energy – meaning we aren’t solely reliant on fossil fuels or non-sustainable alternatives.
Plus, we expect to see a gradual increase in the energy they convert too.
- Paper, Plastic, and Water Waste are Down
During the pandemic we stopped producing your on trip paper packs and A4 sized brochures to show your possible adventures.
Because we saw an opportunity to reduce our energy, paper and general all round output on the product life cycle.
And that was just the start, here are some more wins:
- Our Finance team use Sage to stop printing payslips, invoices and many other forms of paperwork
- Loads of us use reusable water bottles
- Our kitchen stocks long-life products like cups and cutlery
- Two smart urinals which can save a combined total of 630,000 litres of water each year
- Paper, plastic & cardboard recycling hubs and bins
- And most of us bring lunch from home, which cuts down on our shop brought plastic too!
- Electric Vehicles are Here
With their zero use of fossil fuels in maintenance and usability, hybrid or electric vehicles are huge to our responsible journey.
So, the past few years have seen us install multiple electrical vehicle charge points – with our directors leading the way with electric vehicles. Also, our handymen use electric vans too!
Plus, we’ve installed smart internal lighting in our office that automatically dims to save even more energy.
- Cycling To Work is at Hand
You’re probably heard of a cycle to work scheme, which were originally created by the UK government as a tax exemption initiative, they’re also a tool to help reduce your carbon footprint.
Which is why happy to say we include it for our VA family too!
- The Local Economy is Being Used
And we also source milk from dairy farms right here in Derbyshire!
This cuts down on travel, storage, and production that would increase our carbon footprint if we drank milk from a Yorkshire farm (for example).
Also, where we can, our trips use locally owned hotels and restaurants, which provide economical as well as environmental benefits.
- Commutes are Reduced
Reducing our carbon emissions is our big, overall goal to make a positive impact.
So, to further minimise our negative environmental effect we all hybrid work.
Not only is our carbon usage reduced, but we get out of the stressful work back-and-forth to focus even more positive energy on making your trip the best it can be.
- Your Trips are Winning!
Your group trip usually uses a coach to get you where you need to be, which cuts back on multiple vehicles for transport to the airport or your destination, if you book your adventure yourself.
Plus, coach emissions tend to be lower than flights for short and long-haul.
Added to that, coach travel cuts out the travelling to the airport and the per passenger output whilst at the 24-hour terminal. So, that’s also left out of your footprint too!
Finally, our in-tour app Vamoos cuts back on the need for paper itineraries, documents and any other form of paper whilst on your school trip as well.
Our Steps So Far…
Our sustainability journal is full to the brim with green entries and we’re excited to share them with you.
We’ll be sharing more of our journey soon and the measures we’re putting in place to bring even more of a positive impact.
If you want to learn more, call us today or get in touch via the button below.