Today has been a cheesy day with Guides so let’s start with a cheesy joke.
How do you make a Swissroll?
Push him down a hill!
Moving on…
Today the Horsworth guides headed for the first cable car of the day up at 8.15am we then split into two groups and headed to two of the 5 cheese makers at the top.
We learned all about life on the farm and the different stages for making the cheese.
Step 1 – 5am wake up!
Step 2 – head to the cows sleep under the house (also helping to heat the house!)
Step 3 – milk the cows
Step 4 – head to the kitchen where the milk is heated.
Step 5 – lactic acid is added to the milk. Each cheese maker uses a different amount of milk…. The secret to their cheese this one used 80litres of milk which will make a 7-9kg cheese
Step 6 – once the cheese has been heated for long enough you can see the cheese base starting to form.
Step 7 – it’s now time to remove the cheese milk (the bulls will drink this!) and you are then left with the cheese base – looks a lot like cottage cheese.
Step 8 – finally add the cheese to the moulds.
Step 9 – it then needs to be turned every hour for 24 hours (yes through the night!!!)
Step 10 – enjoy the cheese! The goats cheese is ready to eat the next day where as the alpine cheese sits in the cheese cave for up-to 3 years!!!!!
It was then time to head down the cable car and enjoy the gentle walk to the waterfall for a lunch with a view!
On our trip we tried goats cheese, goats cheese with herbs, alp cheese and peppered alp cheese we also sampled a bit of the racklette cheese before it took its form. Wide census was the herbed goats cheese was the best…. but what is a pirates favourite cheese?
Ched – arrrr
And on that note ……