We had a lovely day visiting the cheesemakers with Tynedale East Division! We first got the cable car up to Engstligenalp where the mountain plateaus and you can find 5 traditional cheesemakers, a hotel and lots of cows and goats.
We spilt into two groups and headed to different cheesemakers. The cheesemakers are in family homes and the families are super welcoming. You get shown how they make the cheese and walked through the process as they are making the cheese in front of you. You then get welcomed to the garden and offered refreshments.
You get to try some of the lovely cheese that is made there as well as some homemade fudge and biscuits. They are so tasty that you are very tempted to buy more as you leave! After refreshments the groups are taken back inside to be shown how the cheese has cooked and are welcomed to try some of the curd. It does just taste like squeaky cheese at this point. It is then poured into the mould and weighted down. The final process happens in the chiller where the cheese is stored and washed daily.
You are then able to enjoy the mountain top views and eat lunch before heading back down and maybe even have a visit to the bottom of the waterfall.
We walked back with the goats who are extremely friendly.